Human Resources Policy

Human Resources Policy

QTerminals Antalya human resources policy aims to be free from all kinds of discrimination such as race, belief, gender, religion, national origin, aims to provide the right to speak, to offer the opportunity to show their competence and potentials with the principle of equality of opportunity based on success, aims for continuous development and high performance, aims to ensure the continuity of a dynamic, efficient, happy and successful workforce environment where each employee feels valued with a high sense of belonging and aims for continuous improvement and high performance and aims to be the best and most preferred workplace in line with this goal.

Human resources management adopts the understanding of easy and fast adaptation to innovations that constantly analyze company and employee needs, create value, change and develop.

Principles of Our Human Resources Policy;

– Participation of our employees in our processes with a participatory, transparent, and fair management approach,

– Ensuring equality of opportunity,

– First referring to our existing employees for open positions,

– Ensuring the continuity of the organizational structure, which can be quickly adapted to innovations and development,

– Establishing a continuous and learning structure from each other, to develop and to ensure its operability,

– Ensuring the continuity of the understanding to find the right person for the right job, the right job for the right person,

– Planning human resources with the qualified workforce to ensure effective and efficient functioning of the organization,

– Increasing the professional/personal knowledge, skills, and competencies of the employees through continuous training and development programs,

– Participation in joint work with Universities, Vocational Colleges, Institutions, and Non-Governmental Organizations,

– Demonstrating a sensitive approach to Occupational Health and Safety in accordance with quality policies and standards,

Adopting social responsibility awareness in all applications, participating and encouraging,

Further strengthening our profile of employees who respect the environment and nature.

Talent Acquisition:

QTerminals Antalya uses recruitment tools effectively to place the most accurate and competent candidates in open positions with the goal of Human Resources Policy. At the beginning of the recruitment resources, there is an area on its web page that announces open positions and can be applied for jobs, and alternative sources such as and LinkedIn are also used.

Competency-based interviews and technical interviews are applied in our recruitment process.

QTerminals Antalya aims to contribute to their personal and professional development and gain potential talents with the “Trainee Development Program” developed for vocational high school and university interns.

Talent and Performance Management:

In the performance management system implemented in QTerminals Antalya, corporate and functional success indicators are determined at the beginning of each year and the targets are sorted from top to bottom in order for the whole company to achieve the same goal.

Considering that not only the result but also how the result is achieved is important when realizing the targets, behavioral indicators that contribute to the company culture are included in the performance management system.

It implements a performance management system in which our high performance is sustainable, successful performance is rewarded, performance open to development is developed through a development program, and performance results are integrated with other human resources systems.

In addition, potential evaluation, backup, rotation studies are carried out in which the potential of our employees in their current roles is evaluated and their added value is increased and supported by development opportunities.

“Leadership Development Program” is implemented in order for our employees who work in executive and higher positions to adopt a leadership approach in accordance with the values of the institution.

QTerminals Antalya is a large family that includes not only its employees but also their spouses-children-parents. For this reason, it pays great attention to constitute working hours where the work-life balance of employees is sustainable and the internal candidate evaluation process is carried out primarily for vacant positions.

QTerminals Antalya has adopted the principle of maintaining the continuity of its working title with a strong corporate culture. It follows industry and country trends on wages and benefits and applies an appropriate wage policy. A reward system is used in which the ideas and behaviors of the employees create added value are rewarded.

Education and Improvement:

After the recruitment process, orientation training is provided in QTerminals Antalya, followed by occupational health and safety training, which is legally required. Employees who have completed Occupational Health and safety training are taken to the on-the-job training program and the training process is completed.

The purpose of training in QTerminals Antalya is to ensure the continuity of our employees’ individual and organizational development. For this reason, in addition to legally required training, it also organizes training necessary for the professional and personal development of employees. Performance evaluation process results are evaluated, the employee development plan is made and annual training plans are created. Firstly existing employees are given opportunities for the positions that are open, training programs are created according to the relevant position and the promotion/appointment process of the staff is completed.

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